Gift Acceptance Policy
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The MISSION of Haiti Lutheran Mission Society (HLMS) is to assist in making known the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to provide help to the poor in the Republic of Haiti through prayer, correspondence, personal contact and financial and material aid to Lutheran churches, agencies and schools.
We are a registered charitable organization in Canada and a listed service organization of Lutheran Church-Canada (LCC). At our annual meeting in February officers and directors are elected, activities reviewed, and policies determined. The Board of Directors meets quarterly to discuss and oversee activities in Haiti. The society maintains contact with their members and LCC congregations through semi-annual newsletters and articles or announcements in LCC publications.
All officers and directors of HLMS are volunteers, receiving no personal reimbursement. Each director is assigned an area of responsibility. Because of our volunteer work, 100 % of designated contributions are used only for those purposes, and administrative expenses account for only about 4% of contributions.
With the country of Haiti having very little infrastructure, the Lutheran churches in Haiti are involved in social projects. Many congregations operate primary schools.
Currently our society is helping to fund the children’s feeding program at a school in Mixte Nazareth. For some children this could be their only meal for the day. Currently 405 children are fed for a total of 81,000 meals a year at a cost of 28 cents US totaling $22,680.00.
In past years we gathered and shipped goods to Haiti. The duties became extremely expensive, so we are no longer shipping goods. The need for help is large. So we are selective in helping when disaster hits, (such as hurricanes or earthquakes) help with church building and other projects that well help a number or people in humanitarian ways through churches in Haiti.
Our main focus is on teaching lay workers subjects that will help them in presenting the true word of God. Many lay workers grew up practising Voodoo, have read the bible, become Christians and are preaching.
We had teaching classes for around 30 people (one class a year) for 7 years, until COVID came. Now it is not safe to travel in Haiti, so still no classes. Pray that we can soon again start the teaching classes.
Very little other teaching is being done in Haiti. The teaching we do will help the Lutheran churches in Haiti to grow. We also work closely with the Lutheran Mission Society out of Florida on projects.
Recent projects
We provided a solar system for a church in Poteau. Poteau has a population of around 3000 people with no electricity. The church used to have one service a week with (80) people attending. NOW they have 3 services and 1 bible study a week with close to twice as many people attending. The people can also come and get their cell phones charged, and while waiting they are given the Christian message. The solar system is a real blessing for the church and the people. This church was built with funds from our society in 2009. Because of these benefits we have done the same for a church in Colminy. This church has a Lutheran school beside it that can also benefit having some electricity.
Our latest project was funding to re-build a church in Fond Rouge that was destroyed by a hurricane . The cost was $27,000 US. Construction to start early 2023. At the end of 2022, things in Haiti are the worst in many years. Pray that things will improve and that the Christian church will grow.