Annual meeting at CLTS Nov. 21, 2021 at 4 pm and on Google Meet
- Opening prayer —Pastor Ristau
- Hymn #828 verses 1 – 2
- Devotion —Pastor Ristau
- Hymn #828 verses 3 – 5
- Approval of agenda — Lophane will call around 4:30 –pastor Blaize Marin will call around 4:45
- Minutes of annual meeting March 24, 2019
- Treasurers report —Andrew
- Chairman’s report
- Correspondence —
- letter from Pastor Charles — thank you from Jeremie
- Old business —
- teaching —pastor Ristau
- auditing of books –Ron Dagg
- feeding program—Wally
- Mixte Nazareth school is doing well, school in Jubilee is closed
- New business
- solar project in Poteau —
- funds sent for humanitarian relief
- $12,000 Can. Was sent for food, soap etc.
- $13,000 US was sent twice ($26,000) for earthquake relief
- 120 heavy duty tarps were purchased
- 400 bars of soap were purchased
- Thomassique church needs finishing—
- newsletter –
- solar system in Colminy –
- donation to Niagara Warehouse of Hope –Wally
- elections of of officers —
- Other business
- Sing Praise God from all blessings flow
- Adjournment
- Closing prayer —