2016 Annual Meeting

These photos are from Helen showing work the Florida Mission is doing at the orphanage. They have replaced the well’s pump and continue with much needed...

Haiti Mission Festival Nov. 1, 2015:

John Hall will be the guest speaker. He is a founding member of Trinity Hope and a current Board member. Trinity Hope supervises the Christian School feeding Program for thousands of children in Haiti. He will tell us about the situation now and also about other...

OCT 2016 News Update

The recent hurricane has devastated the ‘breadbasket’ of Haiti. The government and external agencies are working hard to get desperately needed emergency supplies to the stricken areas. This is a slow and frustrating process for both givers and receivers....

Churches Rebuilt!

Click this link (pdf) to view the Haiti Lutheran churches that have been rebuilt since the earthquake: HLC Rebuilt Churches. To God be the...

Exciting Plans for 2013

NEW! The team has returned from Haiti, and is now engaged in the process of planning and evaluation of the on-going needs of the Lutheran Church in Haiti. (Please refer to the Winter Newsletter 2013 for an update on what was accomplished!) NEW! These links are the...