Greetings from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. How are you my friend today? I hope you are great with God. I want to thx all of the members of the t Canada society and especially our donors and sponsors for ho makes the solar panels system project happening in colminy. You can imagine before the solar panels the church had only one service in the morning and it was only 50 to 60 people worship but now after the solar panels they have two services one in the morning and one in the afternoon because there is light and now they worship with a big group of 130 to 150 people worship and there one service on Tuesday night the Bible study and on Thursday night the pray service. Now the population don’t walk 3 hours to go to charge their phone anymore because now they can charge them at the church and receive the gospel at the same time. Thanks a lot my friends. Now I want you to pray them in colminy because the cholera getting worst in Haiti like you know colminy is not close to gonaives because the hospital in st marc who is close to them
Like 5 hours walking is close cause gas. The situation in Haiti is getting worse all the time. People are really in need of food and water. Some people spend more than 2 days without having something to eat. A gallon of gas costs $15 to $20 it depends where you are because there is no gas at the gas station. A bag of rice 25kg cost $40. And a gallon of oil cost $15 to $20. It is very difficult to leave our house to go to work and transportation cost a lot now because they charge more if we want to go somewhere. Please pray for our country because only one person can give us peace his name is God. In the name of my Haitian people I say thank you for your prayers and your support and thanks for the church in Fond Rouge we will rebuild soon. Have a great day in God’s hands. Blessings